Hi, I’m a writer. Here are some things I’ve written:
Miss Misery (2020), co-created with Jade Blair, is a 7-episode web series about an anxious artsy couple in Toronto experimenting with polyamory.
It won Best Script at the 2020 British Web Awards and CBC said “Miss Misery has some of the funniest and most perceptive dialogue in all of Canadian media.”
More on that here.
The Jokes is a collection of one-page short stories published by Book*Hug in 2016. The publisher’s page for the book is here.
The French version, C’est une farce, translated by Alexandre Soublière and published by Tête première, was released November 2019.
“The Legion Lonely,” an essay about lonely men, was the most popular Hazlitt essay of 2017 and the 5th-most popular piece of that decade.
It was included on a list of “A writers' guide to the greatest magazine articles ever” by Alison Herman at The Ringer.
More of my essays here.
“The Life You Want” seems to be my most liked/discussed short story.
More of my fiction is here.
“172 notes to myself on art written while sitting on my bedroom floor facing my open closet in Toronto” is a sort of time capsule of my art thinking (and life) around 2014-2015.
I have written/made some things that don’t fall into any normal category.
Two Pinecones (excerpted on the left) is a story I made for the Koffler Centre as screenshots of text messages.
I’ve also appeared on podcasts (The Imposter and Metacosm) and the now-defunct radio show Definitely Not The Opera, and collaborated with illustrator Robin Rains to make comics out of my Facebook statuses.
I live in New York.
I have a newsletter which I have chosen to name Stephen Thomas’ newsletter.
(Portrait by Emma Fick)
I have been awarded by the Edward F. Albee Foundation, the Truman Capote Scholarship Fund, the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, and the Canada Council for the Arts, and shortlisted for the Metatron Prize for Rising Authors of Contemporary Literature.
Here is my Twitter, my personal Facebook, my rarely-updated professional Facebook, and my Instagram.
I also have another site for content writing and copywriting.
You can email me here.